Cryptology for Kids

I created this as a middle school teacher, last century. It still brings lots of joy and fun to the world of computing, critical thinking, and creative communication. I hope you enjoy it. Warm regards, Ken

  1. History of Cryptology
  2. Strategies for Deciphering
  3. Bifid Cipher
  4. Double Transposition Ciphers
  5. Graphical Ciphers
  6. Grille Method
  7. Hexadecimal
  8. Invisible Ink Mirror Images
  9. Letter Spokes Cipher Clock
  10. Letter Syllable Word Frequencies
  11. Map Cipher
  12. Alphabet and Word Correlated Ciphers
  13. Matrix Ciphers
  14. Morse Code
  15. Pig Latin
  16. Pig Pen Cipher
  17. Porta Table
  18. Simple Codes and Ciphers
  19. Spiral Cipher Clocks
  20. Transpositional Ciphers
  21. Vigenere Table
  22. Alphabet Wheel
  23. Binary
  24. Ascii
  25. Cipher Clocks
  26. Compass Cipher
  27. Concealment Ciphers
  28. Diagraphic Subsitution