Right Person – Right Role
I pulled the wrench to the left and it slipped off the head and I wracked my knuckles, pulling the skin off two fingers. I reminded myself, “I hate mechanical work in tight places.” After a week of asking all my mechanical friends for advice, “Googling”, and working hard on my project I successful rebuilt…
Alert Angina
Have we moved from “drowning in data” to “Alert Angina“? I fear (pun intended) we are so overwhelmed with alerts, emails, and the ‘noise’ of our cyber lives that we now have anxiety without the fear. No longer do we have the battles of 2000, Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD), but anxiety and complacency to…
Strategies for Deciphering
Follow these strategies for deciphering.
Vigenere Table
26 possibles in 23 rows.
Transpositional Cipher
This “rail fence” cipher is unique and fun.
Spiral Cipher Clock
Around and round we go!
Simple Codes & Ciphers
Lumping, Character blocks, backwards English, selected characters, and pin marks!
Porta Table
Porta developed this method in 1565!
Pig Pen Cipher
Similar to Tic-Tac-Toe, this cipher enables by position encipher and deciphering of messages.
Pig Latinay
Pigay Latinay Funay