From Reactive to Proactive
Trusted ♦ Proven ♦ Experienced
√Cyber hygiene, or your cybersecurity maturity, is a lofty complex subject in 2024 for any organization of any size. Don’t be overwhelemed or complacent, leaving it to hackers to audit your networking during dwell time and a breach. Move to the left of boom with 4D5A Security by proactively identifying your CURRENT STATE of maturity in operations, leveraging the depth and breadth of our consultants to assist your management in priorities and roadmap items towards maturity gains, and reduction of risk. Readiness assessments – especially when combined with a post-breach handled by 4D5A “lessons-learned” proprietary approach, is a strongly recommended practice to not only recover but ensure “This never happens to us again”.
Do you really know where your cybersecurity risk exists within your organization? Many don’t even have a trusted inventory let alone asset classification with security on top of that! Add in the layers of legacy, cloud, mobile, 3rd party providers and move and we have a dynamic hot mess on our hands to manage. It has BECOME unmanageable and accepted by many in 2024. Hackers become our auditors. If you pay auditors it’s very expensive and focused upon compliance, when what you really need is a security driven outcome with compliance in mind, to the LEFT of BOOM.
Mr. Dunham formerly led a global readiness assessment practice for F100, SLED, and SOHO. His leadership at 4D5A coupled with assessment ninjas that are not auditors but security specialists with auditing experience, give you what you really need to lower risk in the workplace with compliance in mind. It also lowers cost, as it’s more affordable than certified and time consuming audit services. 4D5A Security has staff experienced with a wide range of certifications including CIS, NIST CSF, NIST 800-53, HIPAA, Hi-TRUST, ISO 27001, CMMC and others. Your outcome is a cost effective, laser focused, HOLISTIC comprehensive view of all your operational security needs, domains, and practices with 4D5A experience prioritizing with your management immediate, near-term, and long term roadmap maturity gains.
Affordable excellence is achieved within readiness assessments through the following summarized strategies: