From Reactive to Proactive
Trusted ♦ Proven ♦ Experienced
Malcious Code, or malware, is complex and ranges across multiple operating systems from Windows, to Mac, to various mobile systems (e,g. APK or DMG), along with other types of threats, such as shell code, exploits, and components of kill webs. In 2024 we don’t have attack kill chains anymore – it’s too complex – we have KILL WEBS. Don’t be snared in the spider web of the adversary, without the support you need during a time of critical response crisis!
Do you really know where your cybersecurity risk exists within your organization? Many don’t even have a trusted inventory let alone asset classification with security on top of that! Add in the layers of legacy, cloud, mobile, 3rd party providers and move and we have a dynamic hot mess on our hands to manage. It has BECOME unmanageable and accepted by many in 2024. Hackers become our auditors. If you pay auditors it’s very expensive and focused upon compliance, when what you really need is a security driven outcome with compliance in mind, to the LEFT of BOOM.
Companies rarely have staff trained and experienced and enabled to properly handle and analyze malware properly, including static, dynamic, and reverse engineering, DarkWeb, and counter-intelligence operations related to kill web cyber threat intelligence (CTI) operations essential to the incident response process.
4D5A Security has Mr. Dunham as a well-known and trusted Pioneer in the field of anti-virus, having started in 1989, authored a global number one anti-virus website and top downloaded anti-virus program in the 1990s. The 4D5A team is compiled of experts with 10 or more years of speciality ninja experience with skills such as native Russian and native Chinese skills, ability to breach encryption, with some of the best threat hunting, DarkWeb, and attribution experts in the space.
Many of the individuals on the 4D5A Security team literally discovered and named threats and actor groups attack your organization today, well known to our highly experienced team eager to help you move to the LEFT of BOOM.
Customer testimony from former incidents:
“4D5A Security proved to be an excellent resource both during and after our second incident. We haven’t had an incident of this nature since bringing them on board.“– Security Manager
Affordable excellence is achieved within malware analysis via: